*Question: To what faith you belong and what is your Mission?*
*Answer: My personal belief is the same as that given to the world by the same Light who came down as Christ, as Krishna and as Buddha. But Christ was never a Christian, Buddha was never a Buddhist and Krishna was never a Hindu. So I follow the path of that Light which comes down to earth again and again, to lay the Law and to fulfill the prophecy again and again. So I do not know by what brand I can be branded.*
*I am trained from my childhood in a school which is my home and a master who is my own father. He sent us to no school at all, he has given the education which I spoke out to you. It
is his dream to see that each house is a school by itself. He is about 80 years still living hale and healthy living in my house, to whom myself and my activity are indebted. It is my dream from a very young age to make the efforts of my father true. By profession I was a professor until two years ago(1974) in an University. I started my spiritual career, being stimulated by a spark of light whom I call my Master. I found many problems in India and people trying to solve but approaching like ten blind men towards the elephant. I find the spiritualists, philosophers and religious people asking you to look after yourself, solve your problems at home for yourself, make your both ends meet and then find time to come to them. Then they say, they initiate you into Bhagavadgita, or yoga or The Bible. It is too cruel to demand such things from public. The people are already having their own problems. If I myself add to your problem it is no solution. Going to them is no solution to my people, still people are kind to me to find time to come and listen to Gita because of the innate divine nature in the human thought, which can stand any problem and any tragedy in life. They stand and they come to them and listen to the scriptures. Then I understood that if I can provide every family that has belief and confidence in me and follow my footsteps, a house to live in, with good food, good education and good clothing it is good. Only these things I try to find out if I could do it.*
*I started my spiritual career with Homoeopathy because I was in India and India has its own problems which are different from the rest of the countries. The average village of India is devoid of any medical help. All of you know how medicine is commercialised in the modern world. So there was the necessity and call from the Lord that I should learn homoeopathy. It was because my second son was epileptic. I had to learn Homoeopathy and cure him. Thus I started and the neighbours began to come to me not only taking medicines but also taking instructions in homoeopathy. By the end of one year, there were 10 doctors each of whom was serving at least 50 families. We had our own method of doing it free of cost. Now we have all our free dispensaries in many cities in India.*
*Then I selected a few acres of land in a forest area and gathered there some families of agriculturists and began construction of a village. Education is much of an unproductive nature and the people of villages of India are getting more and more urbanised, so to say, leaving the professions of productive nature and going as job hunters. So I took it that 30% of the educated people should be deurbanised and their genius is to be redirected to the productive labour of agriculture and the cultural unification of the villages. I took a handful of parents and trained them for two years as professors and started our first school with their children as students. Now everyone of our centres has its own school where we train students according to our own pattern of education. We teach our children only good English to be a citizen of the world, good Sanskrit to know what is wisdom and good standard of their mother tongue and some practical knowledge of Mathematics. Then we stop the academic education and take them into a 3 years course of crafts. From childhood we train them into yoga practice. After the crafts course is finished, we train them into Homoeopathy with practical Instructions in our dispensaries. That is the basic training we give. Five of such children will be taken to a village in India to start a similar centre, to reorganise the already existing villages in the same pattern. This is how we started and the work is gaining speed.*
*Another item of my life work is spiritual fusion of East and West. In India everyday I have regular classes of scriptures to all my students, Chiefly of Veda, Bhagavadgita, Upanishad and The Bible especially the four gospels, the works of Madame Blavatsky and Alice A. Bailey. These for the professors, I conduct regular classes. One great and noble soul who has left his physical body a few years ago, has worked with me in India for the spiritual fusion of east and west and he was almost a citizen of Geneva. His name was Albert Sassi. He forms a spiritual triangle with me and he had the dream to invite me to the occident but I was not, by some reasons, ready when he invited me. Afterwards, he came to me once again, he lived with me for one week, returned to Geneva and left the physical body. So again on Invitation from Belgium I came to the occident in 1972 for the first time and a second time in 1974 and this is my third visit. Some of my followers in India and here wanted an organisation for the convenience of work. Then there is the International registered body, THE WORLD TEACHER TRUST, to which I help always, as I do to all true spiritual workers and societies.*
*There is a third item of my life work: The Bhagavadgita and the Upanishads and some of the Buddhistic literature have been introduced to the occident enough. Till now the Vedic literature has not been properly represented to the occident. So it is my life work to make correct popular editions of the veda with correct rendering and discourses for which I am training 60 of my disciples. The moment my construction of village is complete, I wish to be there with them and do the work for about five or six years. These items form my life work.*
🪶 *Master E.K.*